At CVPD, we are passionate about helping people with their breathing difficulties.
Patients will be asked by our respiratory therapists to perform a series of breathing tests. By using the information gathered at CVPD, along with the patient’s other medically significant information, physicians can determine how efficiently their patient’s lungs are working, and ultimately determine how to move forward with any necessary treatments.
Patient Care, Comfort & Respect
Efficiency & Professionalism
The CVPD team includes respirologists and respiratory therapists who are committed to helping patients to treat both acute and chronic lung conditions.

Dr. Ritacca obtained his medical degree from the University of Toronto in 1999. He subsequently completed postgraduate training in internal medicine, respirology, and critical care medicine all at the University of Toronto in 2005.
He has been on staff as a practising respirologist at Trillium Health Partners and its legacy hospital, The Credit Valley Hospital since 2005. He has held numerous leadership and administrative positions within the hospital including division head for respirology from 2009 – 2016. He has been the licensee for Credit Valley Pulmonary Diagnostics since 2015. His role involves general management in terms of staffing, equipment, and overall operations of the facility. Dr. Ritacca is also active within the quality management program of The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. In this role, he acts as a facility assessor for the Independent Health Facility Program (Sleep Medicine and Pulmonary Function) as well as a peer assessor for physicians applying for a change in scope of practice designation.

Dr. Flood has a special interest in Cystic Fibrosis and has also completed an additional Fellowship in this area. She has been on staff as a practising respirologist at Trillium Health Partners at both the Mississauga Hospital and currently The Credit Valley Hospital since 1994. She has held numerous leadership positions and currently serves as division head for respirology for Trillium Health Partners. She was appointed quality advisor for Credit Valley Pulmonary Diagnostics in 2015. In this regard, she is responsible for the entire quality management program for the facility, which includes ensuring that all the procedures for testing and interpretation of the pulmonary function testing are in compliance with the College of Physicians and Surgeons for Ontario Clinical Practice Parameters and Facility Standards.
K. Soghrati MD FRCPC
K. Hockmann MD, FRCPC

David enjoys being a Pulmonary Function Technologist because he likes to challenge his patients to give their best effort. He finds it fascinating to see the differences between individuals, how the lungs can change over time, and how they can react to treatment.